Operations Research

Some of the points to be remembered while drawing the network are (cont.):

(b)Event number should be written inside the circle or node (or triangle/square/rectangle etc.). Activity name should be capital alphabetical letters and would be written above the arrow.

(c)While writing network, see that activities should not cross each other.

(d) While writing network, looping should be avoided. This is to say that the network arrows should move in one direction, i.e. starting from the beginning should move towards the end.

(e)When two activities start at the same event and end at the same event, they should be shown by means of a dummy activity. Dummy activity is an activity, which simply shows the logical relationship and does not consume any resource. It should be represented by a dotted line as shown. In the figure, activities C and D start at the event 3 and end at event 4. C and D are shown in full lines, whereas the dummy activity is shown in dotted line.